Sunday, February 9, 2014

Meeting with Hugo Staff and Mayor regarding the Bald Eagle Lake dam replacement

On January 29th, we ( Board members:  Jim Ascheman, Gary Krejcarek, Rick Gwynn & I) met with Hugo City staff and several leaders about the dam project.  In the meeting we went over the project and the history of the dam and who the owner may be.  Ownership presents a problem.  No one will claim ownership for it.  Full funding becomes the task to be accomplish.  We're part way there. We told Hugo we would do what we could to get support for more funding.

Current funding status:
  • Total estimated cost: $600,000
  • MnDOT Bridge Funds: $252,000
  • DNR Dam Safety Fund request $348,000 of which they have recommend $150,000
Hugo is still in discussions with the DNR to see if they will up the ante.  Not hopeful, though.  The DNR funding is dependent on the bonding bill during the 2014 legislative session.

So, with current funding projections, the dam is short about $200,000.  Other possible sources are Ramsey County, White Bear Township, and the Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD).

So, the task of the board is to make contact with all possible stake holders to see if we can get additional funds, which we will do over the coming months.  As is most likely typical with government decision making, this will take some time.  I'm not hopeful of a spring project, but I'm a pessimist.  Budgets have to be made and funded.  We need to get commitments before the next funding cycle.  If you can help, let the board know.  Maybe you have some extra cash under your mattress.

Check out my video of our last blizzard.

Jim Moore