Thursday, November 13, 2014

Zebra Mussels in White Bear Lake

I forgot to mention in my last blog post information that I received from Matt Kocian of RCWD earlier this month.

Hi Jim,

As I’m sure you've heard, zebra mussels were found in White Bear Lake this fall.  Based on the spatial distribution (found at multiple locations around the lake), it’s likely that the introduction occurred 1 or more years ago.  This is the first time that zebra mussels have been found in the RCWD.  I expect DNR will continue boat inspections at both White Bear and Bald Eagle to prevent the spread of zebra mussels via boat.  However, it’s also important for lake shore owners to be vigilant about docks, lifts, and other lake shore equipment.  The DNR has some info for lake residents here:


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Update on the Island development and Dam development

Regarding the Dam project and according to the Hugo City Council Meeting of Nov 3rd:

  1. Total project cost = $640K
  2. Grant received from MNDOT = $252K
  3. MN DNR has agreed to a grant = $160K
  4. Remaining cost of $228K to be split between the RCWD and Hugo.
  5. RCWD has committed to $113K.
  6. Hugo to attempt to get funding from St Paul Water Utility and communities surrounding the lake.
  7. This was approved by the Hugo City Council at this meeting.
So, that's great news.  I suspect that we will see construction begin after the water goes down next spring.  It is probably too optimistic to think that it will take place this winter.  Time will tell.

Island project
The island project has been approved by the Township board.  It will now move to the planning commission for further discussions and approvals.  The White Bear Press has an article in today's paper on the meeting and decision.

'Tis the end of my sunset photos for the season. I have collected all of my sunset photos for 2014 and placed them in an online album on them on Flickr if you would like to view them.

Have a great day,
