Wednesday, July 30, 2014

BEAA - Dam issue update 7/30/2014


The White Bear Press finally published the article on the dam meeting between government agencies that I mentioned in an earlier update. 

If you don't get the paper, you can read it here:

Water clarity update:
The lake was nice and calm this time.  Not sure if that had an impact, but I measured 7.5 ft. (last time it was windy and clarity was 5.5 ft).

Sunsets photos from last week:

Both of these were from the same sunset.  The second one was about 1/2 hour after sunset.
(Click to see larger image)

Jim Moore

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Thursday, July 24, 2014

BEAA update - Aquifer (WBL) meeting and Milfoil problem


Interested in the current options for White Bear Lake's water problems?
Meeting at 6 p.m. tonight (7/24/2014) at Century College: Met Council study puts price tag on northeast metro water fix.

Eurasian watermilfoil:
As reported by Dave Sorenson, Eurasian watermilfoil is jamming up the bay at Bald Eagle Point. Dave has talked to our fresh water expert, Steve McComas, about this issue.  The RCWD has a plant survey planned for Bald Eagle on Monday.  Steve will provide a plant summary on his finding.  I will forward this info when I receive it. I know we have had Eurasian watermilfoil in the lake for many years, but it hasn't been as much of a problem most years.  I guess our native weeds have kept it at bay most years.  I remember talking with Nick Van Brunt (island owner) about this some years ago. He was involved with chemically treating an infestation more than 20 years ago. He said they simply sprayed 2,4-D on the surface to kill the plants.  DNR permits are required and there are grant programs to fund it.

This article says that 2,4-D is very effective at selectively killling milfoil and not native plants, which is good news:

Bob Weisenburger:
Bob died on July 19th from heart failure.  My condolences to his family. Bob was on the White Bear Township board for 28 years and was a great man and great asset to our community.  He will be greatly missed.

Sunday's reading on water clarity is 5 1/2 ft.

Recent sunset photos (click on photo to enlarge):

Stay tuned.

Jim Moore
BEAA President

Sunday, July 13, 2014

In the midst of summer - News on the dam reconstruction and more sunset photos.


The water is still really flowing out of the outlet on the north end of the lake.  It's a good thing Hugo dumped the rocks behind the dam or we may have seen a failure this summer.  Thanks to Jim Aschman for suggesting it to Hugo.  It looks like it was money well spent.
Rick Gwynn stopped by last week to report on the latest news on the dam project.  Rick attended a meeting at Hugo City hall, which was attended by Hugo staff and council, our state representative and senator, representatives from the DNR, the Rice Creek Watershed District board, and representatives from the surrounding counties and cities.

In the end, there is now a very high probability that the rebuild of the dam will occur this winter.  It looks like the Rice Creek Watershed District  board will support funding part of the dam costs and the DNR has some funds to fill in the rest.  The RCWD also pointed out a little known state statute that says that state must take ownership of abandoned dams.  The DNR said that they would investigate.  It was also stated that Hugo was now interested in taking ownership of the dam.  So, more news will follow as this develops.

The latest lake clarity reading by lake resident Mike Doran was 7'.  My last reading was a week ago and it was shy of 8'.

Looks like we're in for a few days of cold weather.  Enjoy!

Regards, Jim
A few more sunset photos:                                      (click to enlarge)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Water Clarity & 4th of July activities

Theft report:
  • Last week I was informed, second hand, of a theft of a gas tank on the west side north of H2.  They apparently cut the gas line, also.
 Water Clarity:
  • I measured the lake clarity last Sunday.  I measured 8' of clarity.

4th of July events to look for:
  • Informal annual pontoon race, starting on the SW corner of the lake at 3pm.  It just sort of happens.  No one wants to take ownership.  It's pretty funny to see a bunch of pontoon boats racing around the island.
  • Fireworks display at twilight in the SW corner of the lake.

Sunset on June 30th. (click for larger image)
