All is quiet on the theft front. No new thefts have been reported to me.
I tested the water quality yesterday. The Secchi disk reading showed a small drop from 9.5 ft to 9 ft. There is some noticeable algae in the water. Still, the clarity is fabulous. If we hadn't had the Alum treatment this spring and, with all the rain, I think we would be seeing an appreciable difference in the clarity. Serious high water, now. The water is now touching the bottom of our dock. There is at least one homeowner that went down to use their pontoon boat and they can't get it out from under their canopy because the water has come up so much. Too bad we can't send some of this to California.
I also read that the Stillwater bridge is closing on Monday at 10 am, which is bad for me, because I work in Somerset, WI. A 23 mile commute becomes a 42 mile commute.
It was a good day on Saturday sailing on an E Scow in a regularly organized event by the Bald Eagle Yacht Club (BEYC). We sailed two races. There are 6 E Scows on the lake, now. A rather new group of boats. They are sailed on Wed, Sat, & Sun. If your interested in joining the group as a boat owner or a crew member, they are always looking for additional members. No sailing experience required. Let me know and I can pass on your info.
We were on the lake Friday night and enjoyed a beautiful sunset.
(Click on a photo to get a larger image.)
No new news on the island development.
If you have anything you want others to hear about, let me know and I'll forward it on.